Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Doctor Report

Hi all -- We just walked in to the apartment from seeing the kidney doctor.  So many of you have expressed concern I just thought I'd update the blog and let you know what the doctor said.  Both the doctor and Ben think the stone has passed.  The doctor did a scan this morning of both kidneys and said things looked good.  If Ben does have more pain, he needs to come back to the doctor/hospital and they will decide what to do from there. But for now, Ben is pain free and we'll keep praying things stay that way.  Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts.  We know it really helped.  Love to all E/S Read


  1. So glad to hear Ben is pain free and I hope forever pain free. Sorry you had to go through this. Looks like you two are keeping busy and making such a difference for the good for the people you're serving. Prayers and love come your way. Marilynn
